STEP Training
in Lebanon

Description of project:
The AZM University was the first university in Lebanon – and generally the first in an Arabic country – to implement the STEP Training. Located in the country’s second-largest city, Tripoli, AZM University implemented the STEP Training for the first time in 2019. The project aimed at establishing a network of universities to jointly foster entrepreneurship education in Lebanon. It marked an entry point to establish an entrepreneurship track at AZM University and to prepare students for extracurricular activities in terms of national and international entrepreneurship competitions. After the first successful implementation in 2019, the Arab Open University joined the project in 2020 to implement the STEP Training at both universities. Due to the COVID pandemic, it was the first ever implementation of the STEP Training in a virtual learning style. The vital exchange between researchers and project coordinators from all institutions demonstrated the great interest in promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education in Lebanon.
Doorways co-founders Jakob Weers and Benjamin Scharweit were responsible for the implementation of the project as a member of Leuphana University.