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  • PI Training in Rural Rwanda | Doorways

    PI Training in Rural Rwanda RWANDA CLIENT: Entrepreneurial Solutions Partners (ESP) DONOR: Mastercard Foundation ​ Description of project: As part of a large-scale project funded by Mastercard Foundation, our partners ESP are planning to train 2,500 small-scale entrepreneurs in rural Rwanda over the next five years. For this purpose, we developed a contextualized version of the PI Training and conducted a Training-of-Trainers workshop (ToT) followed by a pilot training in rural northern Rwanda. PI Training for Rural Entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu PI Training Content Development for MSME Retailers

  • PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in Guinea Bissau | Doorways

    PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in Guinea-Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU CLIENT: THE WORLD BANK ​ ​ Description of project: The Personal Initiative (PI) Training in Guinea-Bissau is part of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program. The program is managed by The World Bank and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with strategic oversight and guidance provided by a Steering Committee, chaired by the ECOWAS Commission and supported by the UEMOA Commission as deputy chair. We adjust the training program to improve entrepreneurial skills and business outcomes of cross-border traders, thereby fostering economic growth and trade efficiency in the region. Together with our local implementation partner InnovaLab, we will deliver the PI Training to 200 cross-border traders in the region around Ingoré. PI Training for Factory Workers PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in The Gambia

  • PI Training in Lesotho for Small-Scale Entrepreneurs | Doorways

    PI Training in Lesotho for Small-Scale Entrepreneurs LESOTHO CLIENT: CRS LESOTHO DONOR: MINISTRY OF GENDER, YOUTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE WORLD BANK Description of project: The Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project in Lesotho aims to enhance the economic stability of poor and vulnerable households in the country by providing them with the tools and training needed to improve their economic resilience. For the (soft-skills) training component of the project, we collaborate with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Lesotho, the Ministry of Gender, Youth, and Social Development, and the World Bank. Our key tasks include the adjustment of the Personal Initiative (PI) Training curriculum to also address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the implementation of Training-of-Trainer workshops (ToTs) for at least 50 prospective trainers in the Berea and Mohale’s Hoek regions. These trainers then deliver the PI Training to 2,500 beneficiaries in the first year and another 2,500 in the second year. We furthermore monitor the implementation to ensure sustainable progress. ​ PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in The Gambia Content Development for PI-Ag Training

  • PI training for Cross-Border Traders in The Gambia | Doorways

    PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in The Gambia THE GAMBIA CLIENT: THE WORLD BANK ​ Description of project: The Personal Initiative (PI) Training in The Gambia is part of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program. The program is managed by The World Bank and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with strategic oversight and guidance provided by a Steering Committee, chaired by the ECOWAS Commission and supported by the UEMOA Commission as deputy chair. We adjust the training program to improve entrepreneurial skills and business outcomes of cross-border traders, thereby fostering economic growth and trade efficiency in the region. Together with our local implementation partner GYIN Gambia Chapter, we will deliver the PI Training to 200 cross-border traders in the Upper and Lower River Regions. PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in Guinea-Bissau PI Training in Lesotho for Small-Scale Entrepreneurs

  • Content Development for PI-Ag Training with FAO | Doorways

    Content Development for PI-Ag Training AFRICA CLIENT: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) ​ Description of project: Together with FAO and MIT Bootcamps we developed a Personal Initiative Agripreneurship (PI-Ag) Training that combines the value chain approach with entrepreneurship best practices and PI Training. The course was delivered online and had over 2 300 applicants from 34 countries, most of which came from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda. In total, 620 agripreneurs finished more than 57 percent of the training materials. The course was tested using a randomized control group design and showed that it has significant effects on entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial planning and entrepreneurial actions in the short run. PI Training in Lesotho for Small-Scale Entrepreneurs PI Training for Adolescent Girls and Young Women

  • Our Projects | Doorways

    Our Projects Learn more about our work and diverse experiences around the world NIGERIA | NOVEMBER 2023 STEP at Universities and for Communities Complete the train-the-trainer workshop and report on program. Supervise initial stages of the training process BANGLADESH | DECEMBER 2022 PI Training for Refugees (Kutupalong Camp) Preparation of training materials for a PI training in the Kutupalong Refugee Camp GERMANY | OCTOBER 2022 Digital Content Creation for Entrepreneurship Education Creation of education videos for the subject "effectuation and causation" SOUTH AFRICA | APRIL 2023 Empowering Young Women With Entrepreneurial Skills The objective of the project is to provide 1,825 young women (aged 15-24) with entrepreneurial skills and knowledge Read More NIGER | JULY 2022 - DECEMBER 2023 PI Training for Adolescent Girls PI Training will be tested using a RCT against the entrepreneurship training that has been part of the economic empowerment component of the SWEDD (Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend) project. The project runs through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation is Doorways co-founder Benjamin Scharweit. Read More BURKINA FASO | JULY 2022 - DECEMBER 2023 Trading Support and PI Training The project at hand aims to improve the business skills of small-scale cross-border traders in Burkina Faso. The project runs through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation is Doorways co-founder Benjamin Scharweit. Read More MOZAMBIQUE | MAY 2017 - APRIL 2020 PI Training for Women Farmer’s The World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) conducted a randomized control trial (RCT) study to measure the impact of a training intervention targeted to a sample of 2,000 poor female farmers across 100 communities in Tete province. The project ran through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation was Doorways co-founder Benjamin Scharweit. Read More SOUTH AFRICA | FEB. 2019 - JAN. 2020 STEP Training at Two Rural Universities The object of the project was the sustainable implementation of STEP at two rural universities in South Africa to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education as well as to the reduction of youth unemployment in South Africa. The project ran through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation was Doorways co-founder Carina Bohlayer. Read More SOUTH AFRICA | APRIL 2022 - MARCH 2024 STEP Sustainability The project comprises the following components: Development, implementation, and evaluation of STEP Sustainability (a new variant focusing on social/sustainable entrepreneurship) at a new partner university in South Africa. The project runs through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation is Doorways co-founder Carina Bohlayer. Read More UGANDA, KENYA, TANZANIA | SEP. 2017 - DEC. 2021 Entrepreneurship for Student Teachers The goal of the project was to develop a new entrepreneurship curriculum for student teachers to be rolled out at different universities in eastern Africa with a primary focus on Uganda. The project ran through Leuphana University Lüneburg, responsible for the implementation was Doorways co-founder Jakob Weers. Read More CONTACT Get in Touch Your Name Your E-Mail Address Message I have read and agree to the terms of use . Send GUINEA-BISSAU | SINCE JULY 2024 PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in Guinea-Bissau As part of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program, we adjust the PI Training curriculum and train 200 cross-border traders in Guinea-Bissau. Read More THE GAMBIA | SINCE JULY 2024 PI Training for Cross-Border Traders in the The Gambia As part of the Trade Facilitation West Africa (TFWA) Program, we adjust the PI Training curriculum and train 200 cross-border traders in The Gambia. Read More LESOTHO | SINCE JANUARY 2024 PI Training in Lesotho for Poor and Vulnerable Households As part of the Pathways to Sustainable Livelihoods Project in Lesotho, the PI Training is adapted and delivered to 5,000 beneficiaries over two years, promoting sustainable economic development and improving community wellbeing. Read More AFRICA | SINCE OCTOBER 2020 Content Development for PI-Ag Training Together with FAO and MIT Bootcamps, we developed a Personal Initiative Agripreneurship (PI-Ag) Training that combines the value chain approach with entrepreneurship best practices and PI Training. Read More NIGER | JANUARY 2022 - OCTOBER 2024 PI Training for Adolescent Girls and Young Women PI Training will be tested for adolescent girls and young women who are part of the economic empowerment component of the SWEDD (Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend) project. Read More PHILIPPINES | JULY 2023 - SEPTEMBER 2024 PI Training Short Version and Training of Trainers Together with IMG Partners, we developed a contextualized and shortened version of the PI Training for the Philippines. We trained trainers to deliver this short version in politically unstable regions of Mindanao. Read More INDIA | JUNE 2023 - AUGUST 2024 PI Training for Rural Entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu Together with The World Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab (SAR GIL) and the local implementation partner Hand In Hand India we are investigating the effectiveness of a PI Training for 1,000 small-scale entrepreneurs. Read More RWANDA | JULY 2024 PI Training in Rural Rwanda Together with our partner ESP, we qualified local trainers to train 2,500 small-scale entrepreneurs in rural Rwanda with the PI Training. Read More EGYPT | MARCH 2023 - JULY 2024 PI Training Content Development for MSME Retailers In an IFC funded project we develop 3 training sessions for mainly female retailers who are registered with the B2B retail platform MaxAB. Read More MALAWI | JUNE 2023 - JUNE 2024 PI Training for MSMEs Personal Initiative (PI) Training for 2,500 MSMEs as part of the Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship Scaling (FInES) Project. Read More MOZAMBIQUE | JULY 2023 - MAY 2024 PI Training for Farmers In a WFP funded project we adjusted the Personal Initiative (PI) Training curriculum for small-scale farmers and trained local trainers in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado. Read More SOUTH AFRICA | APRIL 2022 - MAY 2024 STEP Sustainability In this project, STEP Sustainability (an entrepreneurship training variant focusing on social/sustainable entrepreneurship) was developed, implemented, and evaluated in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Read More SOUTH AFRICA | APRIL 2022 - APRIL 2024 STEP Training for Young Women STEP Training for 1,825 young women in five regions of South Africa in cooperation with the NGO Community Media Trust (CMT). Read More BANGLADESH | DECEMBER 2022 - SEPTEMBER 2023 PI Training and Effectuation Training for Rohingya Refugees The PI Training is tested in a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) against an Effectuation Training that was newly developed for the project. Read More BURKINA FASO | JULY 2022 - AUGUST 2023 Trading Support and PI Training The project aims to measure the impact of a PI Training targeted to a sample of 1,671 small-scale cross-border traders. It will also measure the impact of the PI Training together with a commplementary mentoring intervention. Read More ZAMBIA | APRIL - MAY 2023 PI Training for Entrepreneurs We trained local trainers from two Zambian NGOs with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct the Personal Initiative Training for entrepreneurs throughout the country. Read More TAJIKISTAN | FEBRUARY - MAY 2023 First PI Training in Central Asia In a pilot project together with IMG Partners (Japan), we trained four trainers from different regions in Tajikistan to deliver a shortened version of the PI Training to female small-scale business owners. Read More GERMANY | OCTOBER 2022 Digital Content Creation for Entrepreneurship Education Creation of education videos for the subject "effectuation and causation". Read More NIGERIA | OCTOBER 2022 STEP Training at Universities and for Communities The project was carried out in cooperation with Godfrey Okoye University in Enegu and the ICMPD. New trainers were trained in a train-the-trainer workshop and will also facilitate the STEP Training at the Centre of Practical Skills in the Enegu region. Read More UGANDA, KENYA, TANZANIA | SEP. 2017 - DEC. 2021 Development of STEP Training Curriculum for Student Teachers A STEP Training curriculum was developed and tested to capacitate student teachers to train students in entrepreneurship at secondary schools. Read More LEBANON | SEPTEMBER 2019 - MAY 2021 STEP Training in Lebanon The project aimed at implementing the STEP Training and at establishing a network of universities to jointly foster entrepreneurship education in Lebanon. Read More MOZAMBIQUE | MAY 2017 - APRIL 2020 PI Training for Female Farmers Together with The World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL), the impact of the PI Training in addition to an agricultural extension program was measured with a sample of 2,000 poor female farmers across 100 communities in Tete province. Read More SOUTH AFRICA | FEB. 2019 - JAN. 2020 STEP Training at Two Rural Universities The object of the project was the sustainable implementation of the STEP Training at two rural universities in South Africa to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education as well as to the reduction of youth unemployment in South Africa. Read More ETHIOPIA | SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2019 PI Training for Female Factory Workers The objective of the project was to develop a new version of the PI Training curriculum for female factory workers at Bole Lemi Industrial Park in Addis Ababa. Read More

  • Project PI Bangladesh | Doorways

    PI Training and Effectuation Training for Rohingya Refugees BANGLADESH CLIENT: UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE DONOR: J-PAL ​ Description of project: Close to the city Cox’s Bazar more than 1 million Rohingya have found refuge, some for more than 30 years by now. In a joint pilot project with J-PAL , MIT , Y-RISE , University of Wageningen , University of Warwick , and the local implementation partner RTM , we evaluate the effectiveness of the PI Training and an Effectuation Training that was designed for this project in cooperation with Saras Sarasvathy. In order for both training programs to be carried out at Kutupalong Refugee Camp, 12 local trainers successfully completed a Train-the-Trainer workshop and will remain in direct contact with us throughout the implementation of the project. STEP Training for Young Women Trading Support and PI Training

  • Project PI Philippines | Doorways

    PI Training Short Version and Training of Trainers PHILIPPINES CLIENT: INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT GROUP (IMG) DONOR: JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (JICA) ​ Description of project: Together with IMG Partners, we developed a contextualized and shortened version of the PI Training for the Philippines. In 2023, we conducted three Training of Trainer (ToT) workshops in Davao City in which we trained trainers to deliver this short version to small-scale entrepreneurs in politically unstable regions of Mindano. In 2024, we conducted two more Training of Trainer (ToT) workshops to further qualitfy (master) trainers and ensure the long-term sustainability of the project. Within the bigger project, the PI Training is an important element to provide holistic support to entrepreneurs. PI Training for Adolescent Girls and Young Women PI Training for Rural Entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu

  • Project PI Training for Adolescent Girl | Doorways

    PI Training for Adolescent Girls and Young Women NIGER CLIENT: THE WORLD BANK ​ Description of project: Personal Initiative Training will be tested for adolescent girls and young women who are part of the economic empowerment component of the SWEDD (Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend) project. For the purpose of the impact evaluation (RCT) 2,000 adolescent girls and young women will be selected. Among these, 1,000 will be randomly assigned to receive the Personal Initiative Training and the other 1,000 will be randomly assigned to not receive any training. ​ Doorways co-founder Benjamin Scharweit was responsible for the implementation of the project as a member of Leuphana University. Content Development for PI-Ag Training PI Training Short Version and Training of Trainers

  • Doorways | Entrepreneurship Training

    TRAINING PROGRAMS STEP Training STEP (Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion) is an entrepreneurship training program targeted particularly at young adults with limited or no entrepreneurial experience. It was founded by the Frese Group in 2008 and has since been implemented in partnership with more than two dozen institutions in low- and middle-income countries around the world. Read More © Erick Khagan and World Bank TRAINING PROGRAMS PI Training Personal Initiative (PI) Training is a psychological program targeted at entrepreneurs with existing businesses. It has been developed within the Frese Group and been implemented in the context of several internationally funded research projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Research indicated that it can be more effective than traditional business training programs. Read More DOORWAYS PROJECTS Our Projects View All WHO WE WORK WITH Our Clients and Partners - Public Sector CEED at Leuphana University of Lueneburg Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) International Finance Corporation (IFC) The World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) The World Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab (SARGIL) University of Cologne World Food Programme (WFP) Y-RISE AGOVA - Zambia CMT - South Africa Hand In Hand - India IBF International Consulting - Belgium International Management Group - Japan MentorMe - Zambia RTM International - Bangladesh WHO WE WORK WITH Our Clients and Partners - Private Sector OUR TEAM About Us Want to know more about the minds and hearts behind the non-profit organization Doorways? Meet our team and learn more about our vision, mission, and values. Read More CONTACT Get in Touch Your Name Your E-Mail Address Message I have read and agree to the terms of use . Send Welcome to Doorways We are a non-profit organization and we are passionate about creating positive impact via entrepreneurship and empowering people STEP PI What We Do DOORWAYS What We Do We promote entrepreneurship by developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions and training programs that foster entrepreneurial thinking and behavior. In our training programs, we use evidence-based training contents and apply action-oriented training approaches. Read More

  • About Us | Doorways

    About Us Read more about the minds and hearts behind Doorways and our vision, mission, and values WHAT WE BELIEVE IN Our Vision To open doors and empower individuals to actively shape their own paths. WHAT WE DO Our Mission Provide evidence-based, action-oriented training and build a network of global training partners that share and support our vision. WHO WE ARE Meet Our Team We are a team of seasoned experts, consisting of three co-founders with over 20 years of combined experience in designing, delivering, and evaluating training programs for entrepreneurs (especially PI Training and STEP Training), with an emphasis on the Global South. Our team is culturally and linguistically diverse, with members from Brazil, Germany, and Mexico. We have diverse academic backgrounds (psychology, business & management, economics, development studies) and three of our team members have completed or are completing PhDs in entrepreneurship. To enhance our capabilities, we enlist other training experts and maintain a global network of trainers (especially, but not exclusively in Africa). With a vast experience of delivering training programs in over 10 countries worldwide, including regions such as Africa, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and Europe, we have a strong track record in project implementation. Our collaborative efforts have been supported by esteemed partners like the World Bank's Africa and South Asia Region Gender Innovation Labs, IFC, FAO, German Commission for UNESCO, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), microfinance institutes, universities, and local implementing partners. Through this broad network, we are able to draw upon diverse expertise and resources, ensuring the effective delivery of programs and fostering sustainable development. Our wealth of experience has provided us with valuable insights and strengthened our ability to deliver impactful initiatives on a global scale. FOUNDER AND CEO Jakob Weers FOUNDER AND CEO Carina Bohlayer FOUNDER AND CEO Benjamin Scharweit PROJECT MANAGER Thiago Garcia ​ PROJECT MANAGER Rita Diaz ​ WHO SUPPORTS US Scientific Advisory Board Doorways' established training programs (PI Training and STEP Training) were initiated by Prof. Dr. Michael Frese, Prof. Dr. Michael Gielnik and further developed in global projects. Both, Prof. Dr. Michael Frese and Prof. Dr. Michael Gielnik are part of our scientific advisory board. WHERE WE WORK Our Projects View All CONTACT Get in Touch Your Name Your E-Mail Address Message I have read and agree to the terms of use . Send EVIDENCE-BASED Implement what works We use evidence to create and implement effective training programs and services. Through our actions and via our network, we help build new (scientific) evidence, which in turn improves our understanding of how to best train people. IMPACT Make a difference We embrace opportunities for creating positive and lasting impact. Our training programs and services provide participants and clients with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to take self-empowered actions that better their own (and other people’s) lives in a sustainable way. INTEGRITY Do what is right We are a non-profit company for a good reason. Acting with strong ethics is a priority and we are loyal to our principles. High professionalism and transparency are important for us in our own work and with regard to our network of global partners – we want to lead by example. RESPECT Thrive together We work together, across boundaries, and appreciate each other’s opinions and backgrounds. We approach everyone with an open mindset, value differences, and encourage others to express and involve themselves. WHAT IS IMPORTANT FOR US Our Values

  • Contact | Doorways

    CONTACT Get in Touch Your Name Your E-Mail Address Message I have read and agree to the terms of use . Send

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